Several flowering plants on display at Pyin Oo Lwin flower festival this year

19 December

The Pyin Oo Lwin National Kandawgyi Garden Flower Festival is showcasing a variety of flower species this year. The month-long flower festival is being held from 15 December 2019 to 15 January 2020.

The flower festival is crowded with visitors. This year, the flower festival will also display Naykyarpanwingabar from Myanmar, Kyulit flower from the Netherlands, Hninsepin (Rose) from England, and lilies from Italy. A variety of beautiful flowers will also be displayed and sold at the flower festival, said an official from the festival organizing committee.

Famous singers will perform on 21, 22, and 25, December at the flower festival, free of charge (FOC).

“Our team is visiting the flower festival from Yangon Region. We come for the flower festival every year in December. We are very glad to see that many flower species are being displayed this year compared to last year,” said a local visitor from Yangon Region.

Many travelers are visiting the Pyin Oo Lwin flower festival this year compared with last year.—Kyaw Kyaw (Mahlaing)

(Translated by Hay Mar)