The significance of Health and Sports sectors in National Development Perspective

Propelling our communities towards a future of longevity and well-being, where improved health outcomes and enhanced physical fitness are not distant ideals but tangible realities


By Dr Than Lwin Tun


According to one of the objectives of the Social Af­fairs of the State Adminis­tration Council (SAC); “To elevate the Health and Sports sectors in­clusive of all the people, improv­ing the longevity and health of the nation”, the Ministry of Health, Myanmar, laid down the two ob­jectives, to enable every citizen to attain full life expectancy and enjoy longevity of life, and to en­sure that every citizen is free from diseases. Improving the health and sports sectors to enhance the longevity and well-being of a nation’s population requires a multisectoral approach that encompasses various aspects of healthcare, physical activity, education, and policy. Therefore, the following are some strategies that can contribute to achieving these goals;


Promoting Health Educa­tion and Awareness: Imple­ment comprehensive health education programs in schools and communities to increase awareness about healthy lifestyles, nutrition, and the benefits of regular physical activity, use various media platforms to disseminate ac­curate health information, and encourage informed health results.


Access to Quality Health­care: Ensure equitable access to healthcare services for all citizens, regardless of socioec­onomic status or geographical location, and invest in health­care infrastructure, including hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities.


Preventive Healthcare: Fo­cus on preventive measures such as vaccinations, regular check-ups, screenings, and early detection of diseases to reduce the burden on health­care systems, encourage individuals to adopt healthy habits, such as maintaining a balanced diet, staying phys­ically active and managing stress.


Physical Activity Promotion: Develop and promote recre­ational spac­es like parks, playgrounds, and sports fa­cilities in both urban and ru­ral areas to en­courage physi­cal activity, and collaborate with schools, work­places, and communities to incorporate regular exer­cise into daily routines.


Sports Development: Invest in sports infrastructure, training facili­ties, and coach­ing programs to nurture talent from a young age and support professional athletes, and organize sports events, competitions, and leagues to encourage partic­ipation and engagement in sports.


Inclusivity and Diversity: En­sure that health and sports initiatives are inclusive of all individuals, regardless of age, gender, ability, or background, and promote programs that cater to diverse needs, includ­ing adaptive sports for people with disabilities.


Public-Private Partnerships: Foster collaborations between government bodies, private enterprises, and non-profit or­ganizations to pool resources and expertise for comprehen­sive health and sports initi­atives.


Research and Innovation: Invest in medical research to discover new treatments, therapies, and technologies that can improve healthcare outcomes, and encourage innovation in sports equip­ment, wearable technology, and fitness-tracking tools to enhance individual engage­ment in physical activity.


Policy and Regulation: Enact and enforce policies that pro­mote healthy behaviours, such as regulating the advertising of unhealthy foods to children and creating smoke-free envi­ronments, offering incentives for companies to provide well­ness programs and promoting employee well-being.  


Long-Term Monitoring and Evaluation: Continuously mon­itor the impact of implemented programs on public health, lon­gevity, and sports participation, and adjust strategies based on data-driven insights to ensure ongoing improvements.


The Sports Medicine Clinic brings together a unique team of athletic trainers, physicians, physical therapists and sports sci­entists to collaboratively provide the best possible medical care for athletic injuries and illnesses. The programs include the usual suspects of orthopaedics and re­habilitation alongside newcomers like sports psychology, nutrition, and even research initiatives and technology to measure and ana­lyze data points to better address the causes of injury or secrets to peak performance. In addition, achieving improvements in the health and sports sectors requires collaboration among government bodies, healthcare professionals, educators, businesses, communi­ties, and individuals. By address­ing a broad spectrum of factors, we can work toward a healthi­er and more active population, leading to enhanced longevity and well-being.