Stake-driving ceremony for construction of fire station held in Mahlaing Tsp.

Mahlaing, 9 May

A stake-driving ceremony for construction of new fire station was held in Panaing Village in Mahlaing Township, Mandalay Region yesterday.


At the event, the Pyithu Hluttaw Representative U Hla Tun Aung, the region Hluttaw Representative Daw Thida Nyein, the township Administrator U Kyaw Soe, Chairman of the township development affairs committee U Mya Than, staff officer of the township Fire Services Department and officials drove the stakes at the designated places of the construction site and sprinkled scented water on it.


The two-story building measuring 50 ft. in length and 45 ft. in width will be built by spending K 112.3 million allocated by the regional government, according to an official.—U Aung Htay(Mahlaing), IPRD


Translated by JT