Stake-driving ceremony for new buildings of Govt. Technology School held in Hpa-an Twsp.

Hpa-an, 28 January

A ceremony to drive stakes for construction of new buildings of Hpa-an Goverment Technology School was held at near industrial zone in Sanfri village track, Hpa-an Township, Kayin State yesterday.

At the event, the state Minister for Social Affairs U Bo Bo Wei Maung, Headmistress of Government Technical High School (Hpa-an) Dr. Cho Mar Yu Mon and members of the company who will construct the building attended the ceremony and drove the stakes at the designated places of the construction site and sprinkled the scented water on it.

The three-story building measuring 217 ft. in length and 130 ft. in width will be constructed by Thihamin Company while a building measuring 125 ft. in length and 82 ft. in width will be constructed by Shamula Company. Four reinforced concrete staff apartments measuring 78 ft. in length and 94 ft. in width will be constructed by Thaminbayan, Nanhtike Tawwin and Htoomyatshan Companies while two dormitories measuring 211 ft. in length and 70 ft. in width will be constructed by Htoomyatgon and Soe Moe Thu Companies.  All new buildings will be built by spending K 4840.040 million allocated by the government.

There are reportedly two Government Technical High Schools in Kayin State.

Nay Myo Lwin, IPRD
Translated by JT