State Counsellor chairs COVID-19 central committee meeting

18 Nov

STATE Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Chairperson of the National-Level Central Committee on Prevention, Control and Treatment of COVID-19, attended the committee meeting yesterday. 

The meeting was attended by Union Ministers U Min Thu, U Thaung Tun, U Kyaw Tin, U Thein Swe, and Dr Myint Htwe; Deputy Ministers U Sett Aung and U Kyaw Myo; and Secretaries of the Central Committee U Zaw Thin Than and Dr Thet Khaing Win. 

Discussions at the meeting covered measures to prevent the COVID-19 infection spread rate in the last week of November due to public gatherings after the general elections; not to delay the discharge of COVID-19 patients from the hospital if they are ready; and COVID-19 containment measures in colder regions of Myanmar.

The meeting also discussed instances of people coming to the hospitals only after their attempts to treat themselves have failed; these people expire upon reaching the hospital; the need to make sure that people are not afraid to come to the hospital for treatment; the need to make adequate preparations at the Yangon People’s Hospital to provide treatments for COVID-19 disease; and to allow a family member/relative to accompany patients who are in critical condition; to take effective legal action against unscrupulous group leaders, who are staging protests against the 4th round of public financial relief assistance from the Union Government, and to conduct public awareness programmes to protect participants in these protest groups from COVID-19 infection.

They also discussed the issuance of stay-at-home order from 21 November to 5 December and broadcast of more public entertainment programmes during this period, for the enjoyment and relaxation of the people.

The meeting also discussed the following points: a) for townships which are not in the “stayat-home” restriction list, to permit restaurants and cafes in the “A” list to reopen at the end of November 2020; b) for sacred pagodas and religious buildings (such as “pahtos” and “cetis”) in States/Regions which are not in the “stay-at-home” list, to allow a limited number of devotees to pay homage at these places once in the mornings and once in the afternoons on a daily basis; c) depending on the infection spread rate of COVID-19 during the last week of November, in the Nay Pyi Taw Council area, States/Regions in townships which are not included in the “stay-at-home” list to allow not more than 30 devotees to observe Sabbath and perform prayer gatherings four times a month at monasteries, mosques and churches and to enable devotees to pay homage at pagodas and religious buildings (such as “pathos” and “cetis”); to make advance preparations as needed; d) to make advance preparations for immediately re-imposing former restrictions depending on the infection spread rate of COVID-19; e) for Christmas which falls on 25 December and international New Year festival which falls on 31 December, to allow congregations of not more than 50 persons at churches; f) not to allow carol singing during the Christmas season but to allow singing of Christmas hymns only at churches and to draw up health standards and guidelines in coordination with relevant departments; g) broadcasting entertainment programmes, singing contests and “Anyeint” dances from the MRTV and other TV channels for the public during Christmas festival and international New Year Festival period for the entertainment and enjoyment of the people.

The discussions also touched on matters relating to resuming automobile registration services, relaxing the Stay-at-Home orders in the townships depending on the situation of COVID-19, resumption of domestic flights, and allowing visits to the Nay Pyi Taw Council Area and other regions and states; those who have to travel to these places need to have themselves tested at the health departments; they would be permitted to travel if they are tested negative; they are to show their “negative” health certificate at the respective inspection gates; to allow them to proceed on their journey without the need for further health tests or quarantine. 

The State Counsellor gave necessary decisions and guidelines after which the meeting was concluded in the afternoon. 

It is learnt that short and long-term plans for the economic development of the country, including plans for recovering from the economic impacts of COVID-19, will be issued this week.

MNA (Translated by Aung Khin)