State Counsellor, President Xi Jinping hold bilateral talks, witness signing 33 agreements

19 January

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Chinese President Mr. Xi Jinping took part in the Myanmar-China bilateral talks in the Credentials Hall of the Presidential Palace in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.

At the talks, both sides cordially exchanged views on peace and development of Myanmar, involvement of non-signatories in the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) in the peace process after signing the NCA, China-Myanmar corridor, Kyaukphyu special economic zone and deep-sea port, successful implementation of China-Myanmar economic zones and New Yangon Project, progress of Myanmar’s industrial, electricity, transport, agriculture, investment and trade sectors, export of Myanmar’s products, further promotion of people-to-people relations, Paukphaw (fraternal) relations, and establishment of a community sharing weal and woe.

Attending the meeting together with the State Counsellor were Union Ministers U Kyaw Tint Swe, Dr. Pe Myint, U Min Thu, Dr. Aung Thu, U Thant Sin Maung, U Win Khaing, Dr. Than Myint, U ThaungTun, U Han Zaw, U Kyaw Tin, Myanmar Ambassador to China U Myo Thant Pe and officials. The Chinese President was accompanied by Mr. Wan Yi, member of the State Council of the PRC and Minister of Foreign Affairs, senior officials and Chinese Ambassador Mr. Chen Hai.

After the talks, State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President Mr. Xi Jinping graced the signing and exchanging of bilateral agreements and MoUs between the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the People’s Republic of China.

Union Minister for Commerce Dr. Than Myint and Chairman of National Development and Reform Commission of China Mr. He Lifeng of China signed and exchanged the MoU on Promoting Production Capacity and Investment Cooperation; Union Minister Dr. Than Myint and Minister of Commerce of China Mr. Zhong Shan, MoU Accelerating Negotiation on the Framework Agreement on the China-Myanmar Ruli-Muse Cross Border Economic Cooperation Zone, MoU on the Establishment of the Working Group for the Promotion of Smooth Trade, and Implementation Agreement of the China-aid Upgrading of No.2 Industrial Training Centre (Mandalay) Project; Union Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Kyaw Swe and Minister Mr. Zhong Shan, Handover certificate of the Yangon Police Command Centre; Union Minister Lt-Gen Kyaw Swe and Chairman of China International Development Cooperation Agency(CIDCA) Mr. Wang Xiaotao, Exchange Letter for the Provision of (6) Patrol Boats for Myanmar Police Force; Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Ye Aung and Chairman of CIDCA, Exchange Letter for Feasibility Study on 3-Year Development Plan of Border Areas in the presence of the State Counsellor and the Chinese President.

Afterwards, Union Minister for Information Dr. Pe Myint and Minister of National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA) of China Mr. NieChangxi signed and exchanged Agreement on Cooperation between National Radio and Television Administration of China and Ministry of Information of Myanmar, and MoU on Co-organizing the Myanmar Day of 2020 Lancang-Mekong TV Week; Union Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Dr. Aung Thu and Ambassador Mr. Chen Hai, Protocol on Plant Inspection and Quarantine Requirements for Exporting Rice from Myanmar to China, Protocol for Heat Processed Cocoon to be imported from Myanmar to China, and Protocol on Quarantine Health Requirements for Slaughter Bovine to be Exported from Myanmar to China; and Union Minister Dr. Aung Thu and Chairman of CIDCA Mr. Wang Xiaotao, Exchange Letter for Project of Agriculture Product Quality Control Centre and Exchange Letter for the Project of Hybird-Rice Research Centre.

Later, Union Minister for Transport and Communications U Thant Sin Maung and Minister of Commerce of China Mr. Zhong Shan signed and exchanged Implementation Agreement for Procurement of (28) Nos. of Passenger Coaches Project by China’s Interest-Free Loan; Union Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations U Thaung Tun and Minister Mr. Zhong Shan, MoU on Enhancing Infrastructure Development Cooperation; Union Minister U ThaungTun and Chairman of CIDCA Mr. Wang Xiaotao, MoU on Human Resources Development Cooperation; Union Minister for Construction U Han Zaw and Minister Mr. Zhong Shan, Implementation Agreement of the Kunlong Bridge Project; Union Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Dr,. Win Myat Aye and Chairman of CIDCA Mr. Wang Xiaotao, Exchange Letter for the Feasibility Study on Resettlement Project for Internally Displaced Persons in Kachin State.

Then Deputy Minister for Commerce U Aung Htoo and Chairman of CITIC Consortium Port Investment Limited Mr. Chang Zhenming signed and exchanged Concession Agreement Shareholders Agreement of Kyaukphyu Special Economic Zone Deep Sea Port Project; Minister for Planning and Finance of Mandalay Region U Myat Thu and Secretary of Yunnan Province Committee of Chinese Communist Party Mr. Zhang Guohua,MoU on Local Cooperation under the Framework of Joint Building China-Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC) between Yunnan Province and Mandalay Region; Minister of Development Affairs of Yangon Region U Maung Maung Soe and Secretary Mr. Zhang Guohua, MoU on Establishment of Friendship-Province/Region between Yunnan Province and Yangon Region; Yangon Region Minister U Maung Maung Soe and President of China Communications Construction Company LtdSongHailiang, Letter of Intent Regarding New Urban Development of Yangon City; Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs U Soe Han and Ambassador Mr. Chen Hai, Agreement on Mutual Provision of Embassy Lands and Buildings;Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Electricity and Energy U Tin Maung Oo and Chairman of China South Power Grid Mr. Meng Zhangping, MoU on Conducting Feasibility Study of the Myanmar-China Power Interconnection Project; Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Health and Sports Dr. Thet Khaing Win and Ambassador Mr. Chen Hai, MoU on Cooperation between Chinese Football Association and Myanmar Football Federation; Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Construction U Win Tint and Chairman of China Harbour Engineering Co. Ltd Mr. Tang Chaoliang, Handover and Receipt of Detailed Feasibility Study Reports of Mandalay-Tigyaing-Muse Expressway and Kyaukphyu-Naypyitaw Highway Projects; and Managing Director of Myanmar Railways of the Ministry of Transport and Communication U Ba Myint and Chairman of China Railway Engineering Company Mr. Zhang Zhongyang, Handing Over of the Muse-Mandalay Railway Feasibility Study Report.

In the afternoon, State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi hosted a luncheon in honour of the delegation led by President Mr. Xi Jinping at the Shwesanein Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw. After the luncheon, the State Counsellor presented a photo album of the visit to the Chinese President. —MNA (Translated by TMT)