Stationeries, school uniforms provided to schools in Kyauktaka Tsp.

Kyauktaka, 25 July

A ceremony to provide stationeries, school uniforms and raincoats to schools located near mountain streams and river banks was held at the township education office in the town of Kyauktaka, Bago Region on 23 July. The donation was made by the Township Red Cross Society.

First of all, an official from the Township Red Cross Society explained about the purpose of the donation of stationaries and uniforms for schools.

Afterwards, an official from the Township Red Cross Society provided school textbooks, pencils, school uniforms and raincoats to 14 schools which are near to stream and river banks in the Township.

The stationeries and uniforms were accepted by the Township Administrator U Myo Min Oo and staff officer of the township Education Office U Zaw Win. Then they handed the provisions over to 14 schools in Letkhan, Dotan, Kyauksayit, Nattalin, Kanyingyo Ywahaung, Hlehlawkhun, Myochaung, Kyapinaing, Kyaeingone, Thitte, Ywatharyar, Ananbaw, Auktesu, Nyaungwain villages.—Khin Ko (Kyauktaka)

Translated by JT