Stay-at-home is not only better, but necessary

11 Sep

With the number of locally-transmitted cases in Yangon Region having risen sharply in recent days, Yangon Region has imposed travel restrictions on people in the region banning the people from going outside of the region from 11th September to 1 October, 2020. State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi spoke to the country’s people yesterday underlining the seriousness of the situation we now find ourselves in, with the number of COVID-19 cases on the rise again in Yangon Region since mid-August. Yangon Region found its first locally-transmitted case on 24 August, and the number of cases reached 656 on 8th September.

It is not hard to guess why. Yangon has the highest population density among the cities in Myanmar. Commuters and office workers crowd buses, ferries and trains and people crowd restaurants and city marts. That was why the authorities set COVID-19 rules when the country found the first case on our soil. “Regarding the situation in Yangon, Stay-at-home order and avoiding gatherings are critical to control the situation. The rules and guidelines set by the government is very simple and clear. Wear masks when you go outside; wear gloves when it is required; and maintain at least six-feet social distancing. If everyone follows these guidelines, this pandemic will be put under control,” she said. While most people understand the importance of the health rules and measures and are following the guidelines to protect themselves and their communities, unfortunately, far too many are ignoring the restrictions.

We acknowledge that the stay-at-home order is not the life we are used to living. It is a bitter medicine. But, it is not only better but also necessary to save lives. People need to pay attention to and comply and need to act responsibly as the COVID-19 health rules have been introduced by the authorities. We have a responsibility to ourselves, but a huge responsibility to others as well.

Now, the time has arrived for Yangonites to display their good citizenship by following the authorities’ COVID-19 rules and guidelines, in response to the rising number of COVID-19 cases. Yangon has a special place in the hearts of our people. Let’s show our good citizenship to our country and to the world by following the rules.