Survivors of clerical sex abuse rally near Vatican

24 February


People who were sexually abused as children by clergy members of the Catholic Church have rallied near the Vatican, where church leaders are discussing ways to prevent clerical sex abuse. The protestors demanded that perpetrators be held accountable.


The demonstrators marched through central Rome on Saturday. They came from the United States, New Zealand, Italy, and elsewhere.


The protestors carried posters emblazoned with the figure "0," which symbolizes zero tolerance for sexual abuse. They demanded that the church defrock clergy members who have either abused children or covered up cases of abuse.


A 22-year-old protestor from Italy said he has no trust or faith in the church. He said Pope Francis and the church should explain how reforms will be carried out.


Bishops and heads of religious orders from around the world are attending the Vatican conference. They are discussing ways to prevent clerical sexual abuse. The conference was convened by the pope. The four-day meeting will end on Sunday.—NHK