Suspected drug dealer nabbed along with homemade weapon in Myeik

Myeik, 12 June

Police seized a percussion lock firearm and packs of heroin powder in a house raid in Mayin Village, Myeik Township in Taninthayi Region.

The search operation was conducted by a local anti-drug squad at about 8 p.m. on 11 June based on an anonymous tipoff. The police together with eye witnesses raided the house of a suspicious drug smuggler identified as Saw Phoe Chit, 42, son of U Phoe Htoo. Anti-drug team members found the drug suspect and discovered 37 packets of heroin powder weighing 3.7 kilograms and worth Ks. 370,000, a percussion lock firearm and explosive powder.

The drug suspect is being held in custody over possession of drugs and weapons by the local police.

Myint Oo (Myeik) Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe