Tar paving of road in Meiktila Township completed 95%

Meiktila, 20 December

Tar paving of road from Meiktila-Myingyan road to Yecho-Budaywartha road in Meiktila Township of Mandalay Region has been implemented since July this year with the funds of the Regional government for 2023-2024 fiscal year by a tender wining company and now, all the projects were completed 95 percent.

Tar paving on 1.206 kilometers long road section was closely inspected by responsible officials from the Township Department of Rural Development. Once completion, it will bring benefits for local people from Yecho(East), Yecho Thangon, Yecho Ywarma and Ywartha villages in the Township, according to an official from the Township Department of Rural Development.—Thein Myint Kyaw(Meiktila)

Translated by JT