Tatmadaw column ambushed by AA group near Yaygaungchaung Village

24 March


A Tatmadaw column conducting security operation near Yaygaungchaung Village, Yathedaung Township, Rakhine State was ambushed by an AA group with small and heavy arms on 22 March. In the ensuing firefight, the Tatmadaw suffered some casualties and 3 remains of AA personnel were captured by the Tatmadaw.


On the morning of 22 March at around 6:30 a.m. about 30 AA personnel opened fire on the Tatmadaw column with small and heavy arms from about 400 meter southeast of Yaygaungchaung Village. Later in the afternoon at about 4:30 p.m. about 50 AA personnel opened fire on the Tatmadaw column from about 800 meters southeast of Yaygaungchaung Village. The firefights resulted in Tatmadaw suffering some casualties and 3 remains of AA personnel dressed in sports wears were found in the vicinity of the area from where the AA group had opened fire and Tatmadaw columns were continuing the security operation, it is learnt.


Groups of AA Personnel have been taking cover in wards and villages and have been shooting and planting landmines against Tatmadaw security columns. As unnecessary civilian casualties could be caused, people in towns, wards and villages of Rakhine State are urged not to accept any AA personnel and are requested to report to relevant administrative organisations of the presence of AA personnel in towns, wards and villages, according to news released by Tatmadaw Commander-in-Chief Office. — MNA (Translated by Zaw Min)