Tatmadaw releases statement on ceasefire, eternal peace

29 Jan 

THE Office of Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services released a statement on the ceasefire and eternal peace in the country on 28 January 2021.

The full text of statement said— the Tatmadaw ceased all military operations from 1 to 31 January 2021 in all areas, excluding the places where groups declared by the State as terrorist groups are active, to carry out Covid-19 prevention, containment and treatment measures with accelerated momentum and for the success and effectiveness of the processes for restoring eternal peace in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. In addition, the Peace Talk Committee of the Tatmadaw was established for the effectiveness of the endeavours for peace.

All military operations of the Tatmadaw except from defending the Union and administrative affairs will be suspended in the said areas from 1 to 28 February 2021 to enable ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) to continue peace dialogues with the Tatmadaw for eternal peace, to smoothly carry out the peace processes and to smoothly implement COVID-19 prevention, containment and treatment measures.

Therefore, the Tatmadaw urged the stakeholder organizations and individuals to effectively use the suspension period of the Tatmadaw’s military operations to fulfil the people’s desire for the prosperity and socio-economic development of the Union and taking a right democratic path and to continue the peace dialogues for restoring eternal peace.