Tatmadaw sustains 65% thriving of over 14M saplings planted from 2011 to 2023

Families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) have planted trees at 38 monsoon tree-growing ceremo­nies from 2011 to 2023 in vicin­ities of Yezin Dam, said Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.


A ceremony to grow trees by families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief and rele­vant military commands aims to contribute to the conservation of the natural environment and cli­matic conditions, give shade to all and support the State econ­omy, starting from 2011.


Chairman of the State Ad­ministration Council Command­er-in-Chief of Defence Servic­es Senior General Min Aung Hlaing planted a teak sapling at the first monsoon tree-grow­ing ceremony of families of Tat­madaw (Army, Navy and Air) of the Office of the Command­er-in-Chief for 2024 near Yezin Dam in Zeyathiri Township of Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.


In his speech, the Senior General said that Tatmadaw families and regiments and units have planted 21,753,477 saplings from 2011 to 2023, 14,317,784 trees of which have been thriving, accounting for 65 per cent.


He stressed that everybody needs to take care of the declin­ing forest coverage in Myanmar, with 42.19 per cent mentioned in the 2020 press release.


As such, he continued that the government emphasizes the implementation of dry zone greening projects to conserva­tion of natural environments by growing trees.


The Senior General high­lighted that individuals can en­joy the fruits of their endeavours to grow trees, which started in 2011.


He urged all to systemati­cally grow saplings in order to create an excellent lush and green environment with favour­able weather in the future.


The ceremony was also at­tended by Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of the Senior General, SAC Vice-Chairman Deputy Com­mander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win and his wife Daw Than Than Nwe, Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) Gen­eral Maung Maung Aye and his wife, the Commander-in-Chief (Navy) and his wife, the Com­mander-in-Chief (Air), senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief and their wives, union-level digni­taries and their wives, senior officer trainees of the National Defence College, Tatmadaw members and families.


The Senior General and his wife planted a teak sapling, whereas the Vice-Senior Gener­al and his wife, senior military officers and their wives grew saplings at the designated plac­es with the participation of Tat­madaw members and families in the ceremony.


The Senior General, his wife and party viewed round the growing of saplings by Tat­madaw members and families.


At the ceremony, they planted 909 teak saplings, 303 gum-kino saplings, 606 Mahog­any saplings and 606 Manjasha plants, totalling 2,424.


Families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) have cultivated 196,425 saplings of 39 times from 2011 to 2024 to conserve the ecosystem around Yezin Dam.


At the same time, all mili­tary commands held tree-grow­ing ceremonies yesterday. So, families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air), those from mili­tary commands and regiments and units planted 166,189 sap­lings yesterday. — MNA/TTA


1.Tatmadaw families and regiments and units have planted 21,753,477 saplings from 2011 to 2023, 14,317,784 trees of which have been thriving, accounting for 65 per cent.

2.Everybody needs to take care of the declining forest coverage in Myanmar, with 42.19 per cent mentioned in the 2020 press release.

3.Individuals can enjoy the fruits of their endeavours to grow trees, which started in 2011.