Informative talk on scourge of drugs held in Dedaye

An informative talk on scourge of drugs was held at post-primary school in Bayakalay Village in Dedaye Township, Ayeyawady Region this morning. 
Training to enhance electoral capacity opens in Sagaing

Sagaing 21 January

Meeting on Lailenpi Airfield held 

Lailenpi 21 January

War veterans furnished with cash assistance
A ceremony to provide cash assistance to war veterans who have lost their body parts such as legs and hands for the country was held at the office of the township war veteran association in Thanlyan Township, Yangon Region on 19 January.
Ancient wooden boat discovered in Lewe Township
A carved wooden boat has been salvaged from a creek in Lewe Township, Nay Pyi Taw Council Area, according to the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Road works being implemented spending K 670 million in Pale Tsp

Information centre for local, foreign travellers being built in Sagaing