Loans disbursed to implement emerald green projects in Danubyu Twsp.

Loans for implementation of emerald green projects were disbursed to members of village emerald green project committee at B.E.P.S in Lamang Village in Danubyu Township, ............
Officials inspect construction works of rural road in Nattalin Township
Officials from Department of Rural Development led by staff officer U Win Naing Tun inspected the construction works of the gravel type road in Thabutkyi Village in Nattalin Township of Bago Region on 21 December.
Chilli from Sagaing region cultivated for exporting to China
THE chillies from the Sagaing region are cultivated to export to China, said U Win Hlaing Oo, head of the Sagaing Region
Mini Gems Emporium 2021 continues into fourth day
THE Mini Gems Emporium 2021 showcased pearl and jade lots on its fourth day (20 December) at Mani Yadana Jade Hall as per the
Myanmar-Thai border trade upto US$195 mln till 10 December
THE Myanmar-Thailand border trade has increased by US$195.1 million between 1 October and 10 December this mini-budget year of
Appointment ceremony held for graduates of 22nd Intake of Defence Services Medical Academy as gazetted officers
THE Appointment Ceremony of graduates from the 22nd Intake of Defence Services Medical Academy as
Virtual Tourism Committee Meeting (2/2021) held
UNION Minister for Hotels and Tourism Dr Htay Aung attended a virtual meeting of the Tourism Committee (2/2021) at the