Record infections in France as restrictions spark outcry

France reported a new record for daily coronavirus infections on Thursday a day after the government announced new restrictions on bars and restaurants in major cities which have provoked an outcry from local politicians and business owners.
COVID-19 cases rise to 5,818,570 in India, death toll reaches 92,290 
The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in India rose to 5,818,570, India's federal health ministry said Friday.
COVID-19 pandemic wipes out 6 mln jobs in Peru
More than 6 million Peruvians have been left jobless due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Labor Minister Javier Palacios said on Thursday.
Coronavirus and other deadly epidemics
The novel coronavirus pandemic, soon to pass the milestone of one million deaths, has a higher toll compared with other modern viruses although its ravages to date are far less than the Spanish flu a century ago.
2 pilots killed in military helicopter crash in N. Afghanistan: gov't 
Two Afghan Air Force pilots were killed after a military helicopter crashed in the country's northern restive Baghlan province on Thursday, Defense Ministry confirmed.
New virus cases in Moscow climb to June levels
New coronavirus cases in Moscow on Thursday reached the highest level since late June, raising fears of a new wave of cases in the world's fourth most affected country.
2,500 students locked down at elite Swiss school over virus
Some 2,500 students of a prestigious Swiss hospitality school have been placed in quarantine after a major outbreak of coronavirus following private parties there, regional authorities said on Wednesday.