Shelter turned away evacuees in rain-hit city

NHK has learned that a shelter in a rain-hit city in southwestern Japan was unable to accept some evacuees as its capacity had been limited to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
Global coronavirus death toll passes 600,000: AFP tally

Rouhani says 35 million Iranians face virus infection

UK's Johnson says reluctant to use national lockdown again

19 July

Shark pulls 10-year-old from fishing boat in Australia
A shark "grabbed" a 10-year-old boy from a fishing boat off Australia on Friday but swam off after his father jumped in to save him, officials said.
India coronavirus cases pass one million

Gov't forces kill 3 militants in Indian-controlled Kashmir gunfight
Three militants were killed Friday in a fierce gunfight with government forces in restive Indian-controlled Kashmir, police said.