Two rockets hit Baghdad's Green Zone

Two rockets have been fired into Baghdad's Green Zone, where the US embassy is located. The attack is possibly in retaliation for the US killing of Iran's top military commander
Airlines avoiding flying through Iran and Iraq airspace
A growing number of airlines said Wednesday they were avoiding Iranian and Iraqi airspace or flights to the region after Tehran fired ballistic missiles against bases housing US troops in Iraq.
Crashed Boeing was checked two days ago: Ukrainian airline
The Ukrainian airliner that crashed outside Tehran on Wednesday killing over 170 people was a Boeing 737 built in 2016 and checked only two days before the accident, the company said.
Smoke from Australian bushfires reaches South America

Pentagon: Iran launched missiles against 2 bases

The US Defense Department says Iran has launched more than a dozen ballistic missiles agai

New Zealand forest fire continues

Iranians mass for burial in hometown of general killed by US