Cuba-US relations backslide five years after landmark thaw

Five years ago this week, Washington and Havana surprised the world when they agreed to reopen diplomatic ties severed in 1961, but relations have since slid downhill as if on a fresh layer of Cold War ice.
Algerians vote for new president
Algerian voters cast their ballots in a presidential election on Thursday, eight months after the former president resigned amid civilian protests.
Abe's visit to India to be postponed
The Japanese government plans to reschedule Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to India.The move comes amid intensifying violence in parts of the country he is due to visit.
Trump: US, China 'very close' to a deal
US President Donald Trump says his administration is poised to clinch a trade agreement with China.
Japanese minister notes need to monitor Brexit
Japanese Economic Revitalization Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura has noted the importance of ties with Britain and the need to pay attention to the course of Brexit.
Bangladesh plastics factory fire kills 13 in Dhaka
 At least 13 people have died in a devastating fire at a plastics factory in Keraniganj on the outskirts of Bangladesh's capital Dhaka.
US test-fires intermediate-range ballistic missile
The US Department of Defense says it has test-fired a ground-launched intermediate-range ballistic missile from a base in the western state of California.