A-bomb survivor calls for nuclear arms abolition

A Japanese atomic bomb survivor has spoken of the devastation of the bombing and has called for cooperative efforts to abolish nuclear arms.
N.Korea's Kim views rocket exercise
North Korea's state media has announced that the country's leader Kim Jong Un observed a strike drill using a large-caliber long-range rocket system and a tactical guided weapon.
NTSB investigating Florida plane overrun
US transport authorities say they are looking at if the weather played a role in causing a passenger plane to overrun the runway in Florida.
Trump: Kim Jong Un does not want to break promise
US President Donald Trump remains optimistic about North Korean leader Kim Jong Un following Pyongyang's launch of several short-range projectiles on Saturday. South Korea's military says the projectiles were fired from Wonsan on the eastern side of North Korea.
New Zealand prime minister engaged
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was engaged to her longtime partner, Clarke Gayford, local media reported on Friday.
Venezuela: three months of crisis
A recap of developments in Venezuela since opposition chief Juan Guaido declared himself acting president in January 2019 and vowed to remove President Nicolas Maduro from office.
Japan, Vietnam ministers discuss South China Sea
The defense ministers of Japan and Vietnam have agreed that the international community should work together to peacefully resolve the issue of the South China Sea. China's military presence is growing in the waters.