Pilot of crashed Ethiopian jet asked to turn back

Ethiopian Airlines says the pilot of a crashed passenger plane had reported a problem and asked to turn back before the aircraft went down near Addis Ababa on Sunday.
China orders local airlines to ground Boeing 737 MAX 8
China on Monday ordered domestic airlines to suspend commercial operation of the Boeing 737 MAX 8, citing the Ethiopian Airlines crash and another deadly accident of that same model in Indonesia.
Tsunami-hit school buildings open as memorial
Buildings of a high school in northeastern Japan that were heavily damaged in the 2011 tsunami have opened to the public as a memorial to the disaster.
Venezuelans protest against Maduro
People have gathered in Venezuela's capital Caracas to protest the leadership of President Nicolas Maduro. They responded to calls by opposition leader Juan Guaido.
Targeted cyber-attacks hit record high in 2018
Japanese police say the number of targeted cyber-attacks using emails hit a new high last year.
Radio stations drop Michael Jackson's music over abuse claims
Radio stations in Australia, Canada and New Zealand are refusing to play Michael Jackson's music in the wake of fresh allegations against him of child sex abuse.
Thai court dissolves key Shinawatra-linked party
A key party linked to Thailand's powerful Shinawatra clan was dissolved Thursday by a court, just weeks before a general election, over its ill-starred bid to front a princess as a candidate for premier.