Rescuers scramble to find survivors after Turkey quake kills 29

The death toll from a powerful earthquake in eastern Turkey rose to 29 as rescue workers raced against time Saturday to find survivors under the rubble.
One of five malnourished lions dies in Sudan park

India blows up luxury high-rises over environmental violations

Peru to plant one million trees around Machu Picchu
Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra launched a campaign on Thursday to reforest the Machu Picchu archeological site in order to protect it from mud slides and forest fires.
Vietnamese women strive to clear war-era mines

Equality of opportunity for all

To be a genuine democracy, it is not enough to be a “government of the people, by the peop

Elephants in Thailand 'broken' for lucrative animal tourism
Separated from their mothers, jabbed with metal hooks, and sometimes deprived of food -- many Thai elephants are tamed by force before being sold to lucrative tourism sites increasingly advertised as 'sanctuaries' to cruelty-conscious travellers.