High-rise buildings stretch in never-ending line in Yangon

High-rise buildings are stretching in never-ending line in the aerial view of Yangon. Unlike in the past, there has been a gradual increase in the number of high-rise buildings in all parts of Yangon.
Crisis drills are expected in post-COVID-19 pandemic

Sputnik I Anniversary, Venusian Microbial Life, Conjectures regarding Intragalactic Travel

YRTA extends exemption of YBS daily management funds until Oct-end
Yangon Region Transport Authority (YRTA) has extended the exemption period for paying in the management funds by YBS buses until the end of October, according to YRTA.
Ladies’ fingers get good profit in Kawlin, Wuntho
The local people from the villages from Kawlin and Wuntho townships in Sagaing Region are growing okra, known as ladies’ fingers or Ochro, in their family as okra is a profitable crop for vegetable growers.
MoSWRR discusses work plan for civics, decent citizens
The Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement hosted a virtual meeting on drafting of work plan for civics and decent citizens which is a priority of National Strategic Plan for Youth Policy (2020-2024) on 2 October.
Digital Media Trends and Opportunities Webinar discusses promotion of new media
Union Minister for Information Dr Pe Myint joined the Digital Media Trends and Opportunities Webinar organized by the formation committee on Myanmar Digital Media Association yesterday.