Monsoon tree planting ceremony held in Dagon Myothit Twsp

With a view to greening and preserving the environment, a monsoon tree planting event was held in the compound of No-3 Basic Education High School in Dagon Myothit Township in Yangon Region this morning.     
Farmers in Hpapun Tsp. receive agri-loans 
Monsoon agri-loans and COVID-19 special relief loan were dispensed to farmers in Hpapun Township, Kayin State at Township General Administration Department starting from 13 July. 
Phone Myint Kyaw to meet Chu Bin Jie in Chinese 8 Ball Game’s semifinal in August 
MYANMAR pool star Phone Myint Kyaw will compete against Chinese player Chu Bin Jie in the semifinal of Chinese 8 Ball Game on 8, 9 and 10 August, according to the pool star’s Facebook. 
Hotels, guesthouses in Bagan ancient cultural zone reopen to visitors
BAGAN-NYAUNGU region attracts a large number of local and foreign visitors yearly and is always crowded with local travellers and tourists.
Second-time K100 bln COVID Fund focuses priority sectors
THE priority sectors for the second K100 billion from COVID Fund are agriculture and livestock enterprises, export and import businesses, and vocational schools, said U Ye Min Oo, Minister for Planning and Finance ---------
Small growers in Ngaphe Tsp turn to coffee due to favourable weather
THE number of coffee growers has been increasing in Nat Yaykan Taung region in Ngaphe Township, Magway Region. 
Falling demand hits hard Mini Oway taxis in Bagan
Despite the local travellers visiting Bagan, Mini Oway tricycle taxis face difficulties finding passengers in the archaeological zone in Mandalay Region.