Heavy rains force Pakkoku-Kanma-Mindat Road section close temporarily

The Pakkoku-Kanma-Mindat Road closed temporarily this morning to traffic following inundation triggered by torrential rains.
Local govt. donates cash assistance to flood victims in Kaleinaung
Some wards in Kaleinaung Town, Taninthayi Region have been submerged by floodwaters following incessant heavy rains in the area since 11 September.
Inter-school football festival opens in Homalin
The inter-school football tourney for U-12 and U-14 boys and U-14 girls for the academic year 2019-2020 opened at Myoma sports grounds in Homalin Township, Sagaing Region this morning.
Myanmar, ROK hold forum for cooperation in public administration
MYANMAR’S  Ministry  of  Union  Government  Office  jointly  organized a forum with the Ministry of the Interior and Safety of the Republic of Korea at Hilton Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday afternoon. 
Nearly 1000 jade lots worth Euro 60 mln sold on 8th day of Gem Emporium
THE Mid-Year Myanma Gems Emporium  2019  entered  its  eighth day yesterday, with 975 jade lots sold for 60.968 million euros through open tenders at the Mani Yadana Jade Hall in Nay Pyi Taw.
Yangon regional tourism committee endorses projects worth K10.537 bln
THE Yangon Regional Tour-ism  Committee  has  endorsed  hotels  and  guesthouse  projects  worth  K10.537  billion,  which  are  expected  to  create  252 jobs.
Union Minister for Construction visits CHID bank
Union Minister for Construction U Han Zaw visited the Construction, Housing and Infrastructure Development Bank in Dagon Township, Yangon, yesterday morning.