Two military personnel  injured in Jakarta explosion

An explosion on Tuesday morning in central Jakarta has injured two Indonesian military personnel.
Reort: Iran unrest kills at least 208
Amnesty International says at least 208 people are believed to have died in Iran during clashes between security forces and demonstrators protesting a fuel hike.
Fire spreads over 12,000 square meters in south St. Petersburg
A fire at a storage facility in the south of St. Petersburg has spread over 12,000 square meters, said local emergencies on Tuesday.
Trump: China wants a trade deal with US
US President Donald Trump said he believes China still wants a trade deal with the United States.
Attacks in Syria kill at least 20 civilians
At least 20 civilians, including nine children, have been killed in the escalating violence of Syria's civil war.
Messi wins sixth Ballon d'Or as Rapinoe takes women's prize
Lionel Messi won a record sixth men's Ballon d'Or award at a ceremony in Paris on Monday evening, while USA World Cup superstar Megan Rapinoe claimed the women's prize.
Death toll nears 100 in Syria's Idlib: monitor
Regime forces and armed groups were locked in heavy clashes Monday on the edge of Syria's last opposition bastion, with 96 fighters killed over two days, a war monitor said.