Terror attack on police in Afghanistan kills 12

Armed militants attacked police headquarters in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar on Thursday, leaving 12 people dead and more than 80 wounded.
Trump: US ship 'destroyed' Iranian drone
US President Donald Trump says a US ship "destroyed" an Iranian drone in the Strait of Hormuz on Thursday.
Thai officials warn of worst drought in decade
Authorities in Thailand are warning of an extraordinary drought this year, with water reserves in reservoirs reaching critical levels.
Suicide attack planner arrested in E. Afghanistan
Afghan forces have arrested an alleged planner of suicide attacks and key member of the Taliban group in the country's eastern Nangarhar province, a local official said Thursday.
UNHCR says nearly 120,000 displaced by conflict in Libya's Tripoli
The United Nations Higher Commission of Refugees (UNHCR) on Wednesday said that nearly 120,000 people were displaced by the armed conflict in the Libyan capital Tripoli.
Pakistan arrests alleged Mumbai attacks mastermind ahead of US visit
Pakistani authorities on Wednesday detained the alleged mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai attacks as the country faces increased pressure to crack down on militants operating on its soil.
IAEA chief said considering resigning
The head of the UN nuclear watchdog, Yukiya Amano, is thought to be considering resigning from his post before its term expires.