Join hands to tackle today’s challenges

With the development of information technology, the world is changing at a rapid pace.

Motivation key for children to cultivate reading habit
Children’s Literature Festivals, including book sales and games, have been held in big cities across the country.
Infrastructure is key to equitable development
Infrastructure plays a pivotal role in not only supporting the country’s economic growth, but also in ensuring equitable development across the country because of Myanmar’s geographical location.
Empowering youth for better society in modern age
ACTIVE role of youth plays a vital role as part of human resources in the implementation for the continuous development of a nation on this planet.
Our hands are resolutely joined in harmony
10 January was a joyous day for Kachin State. It marks the 71st anniversary of the Kachin State Day, the day when our ethnic brothers and sisters are happily reunited in the celebrations.
Realizing our hopes and dreams
The Ayeyawady River — the lifeblood of Myanmar —originates in Kachin State, which is endowed with valuable natural resources, snow-capped mountains, and beautiful landscapes.
Paving the way for close relations, unity
“Paving roads such as this one is mainly for our regional development. But more importantly, it also brings all ethnic nationals closer to each other. It’s not easy to meet one another without any roads connecting us.