COVID-19 and chronic diseases

COVID-19 has been unforgiving for people living with non-communicable diseases, or NCDs, such as diabetes, cardiovascular-related illness, cancers, and mental health conditions, as well as other conditions such as high blood pressure and obesity.
Quick test results crucial in battling COVID-19
With the arrival of 200,000 antigen test kits from the Republic of Korea, mass testing for COVID-19, with quick results offered at township and district hospitals, will begin today.
Let’s fight COVID-19 by displaying compassion and loving kindness between each other
As our country continue to suffer from the COVID-19 pandemic on various fronts, many health care workers, volunteers and the people are dealing ------
Lesser stress and anxiety essential for preventing COVID-19 spread among grassroots
Individuals and society at all levels have suffered the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic at present. From the places with high-security measures to the grassroots communities, the pandemic is imposing challenges to the health of our people.
Safe and responsible COVID-19 services called key to revitalizing tourism
With the resurgence of the coronavirus infection, the second wave has been a cudgel to the back of the knees of the people relying on the hotel and tourism sector for their livelihoods.
Social security benefits a key to making workers resilient to COVID-19
The consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic have forced workers of some factories to stay under the Stay-at-Home order.
Effective distribution of food rations can guarantee no hunger to needy people
With the most recent new infections and current stay-at-home order, along with restrictions in Yangon Region, authorities are preparing ------