Thilawa SEZ most improved zone: Minister

Of the three special economic zones, Thilawa, Dawei, and Kyaukpyu, the Thilawa SEZ has shown huge economic growth and the most improvement, said U Aung Htoo, the Deputy Minister for Commerce.
Myanmar aims to draw record FDI in fiscal year 2019-2020
MYANMAR has been  one  of  the  fastest-growing Southeast  Asian  economies  for  more  than  25  years,  with  around  5.5  %  annual  GDP  growth  since  1992.
India’s possible purchase drives mung beans prices up to above K1.18 mln per ton
Mung bean price breached K1.18 million per ton for FAQ (fair and average quality) in the domestic market following the news of India’s possible purchase of more mung beans, according to Bayintnaung commodity depot.
Maritime trade up $131.96 mln last month
The value of Myanmar’s maritime trade for the period between 1 and 25 October in the 2019-2020 fiscal year totaled US$1.77 billion, an increase of over $131.96 million compared to the year-ago period, according to the Ministry of Commerce.
Chili plantations flourish in Seikpyu on back of high prices

National flag carrier resumes Yangon-Manaung flight
Myanmar National Airlines (MNA) has resumed domestic flights to Manaung, Kyaukphyu and Sittway in Rakhine State from Yangon since 16 October after it suspended operations due to poor weather conditions on 30 May last year.
Myanmar sets $ 1 billion aquaculture export target
Fish and shrimp production industry is the second prioritized business after agriculture sector in Myanmar.