Two arrest for carrying illegal timbers

Two men were arrested along with illegal Padauk timbers at Hway Police checkpoint in Lwetawkham village-track, Tachilek Township, Shan State (East) yesterday.
Fire breaks out in Nyaung-U
A fire broke out at around 7:20 pm yesterday in Ward-3, Nyaung-U District, Mandalay Region.
Two dead in house fire in Pinlebu Township
Two people were killed in a fire that broke out in a village in Pinlebu Township, Sagaing Region early this morning, according to a source from a local fire brigade.
Myanmar Navy seize massive haul of meth pills in Kawthoung
The Myanmar Navy arrested seven fishermen along with massive haul of methamphetamine tablets from a boat in the Andaman Sea in Kawthoung Township, Taninthayi Region on 26 April.
Police nab drug suspect with handmade gun in house raid
The police seized a handmade gun from a drug suspect in a house search in Thaungmyin Village, Indaw Township in Sagaing Region on Sunday.
Illegal teaks logs saw timbers seized in Mawleik Tsp
A combined team comprised of forest staff, general administration staff and local policemen led by Deputy Commissioner U Nyi Nyi Lwin of Mawleik District General Administration Department made a thorough search of “Yuwa” reserved forest to seize illegal teaks logs.
Illegal teak logs, sawn teaks seized in Indaw Tsp
Many illegal teaks logs, sawn teaks and five sawmill were seized in “Manmaw” reserved forest in Indaw Township, Katha district, Sagaing region yesterday.