Over 23,000 tourists arrive within one week via Tachilek

WITH tourists visiting Myanmar daily  through  the  Tachilek  bor-der  boder  gate,  a  total  of  23,762  tourists, including Thai citizens, visited  Myanmar  in  overnight  trips  and  day  return  trips  from  21  June  to  27  June,  according  to the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism.  Further, from January to  June  596,337  tourists  visited  Myanmar,  according  to  the  Di-rectorate of Hotels and Tourism.
Over 23,000 tourists visit Myanmar via Tachilek in one week

Tachilek 28 June

Foreign visitors to Mandalay Region on the rise

By Kyaw Htike Soe

Ywanganthat I’ve been to
I WENT on  a  field  survey  with  geology  students  in  2017  to  Ywangan  Region  in  Danu  Self  Adminis-tered  Zone.  Ywangan  Town  is  at an elevation of 4,028 ft. above sea level. It was formed with 28 village tracts and had a popula-tion  of  more  than  82,000.  It  was  in  Shan  State  south  and  can  be  reached from Aungban-Pindaya road junction. As Ywangan town was surrounded by unspoilt nat-ural  beauties  it  was  considered  as a virgin land. It is a land where peace and tranquillity prevails.
Trekking in forests, seeing Popa Taungkalat in the clouds, guarantees life-long memories
With the first two or three rainfalls of the monsoon season, the high temperatures in central Myanmar have fallen and local residents are at last feeling some relief from the heat. The early rain during the monsoon season reminds me of my annual trekking to Mt. Popa in central Myanmar.
Union Minister for Information receives UNESCO Regional Director
Union Minister for Information Dr. Pe Myint received Mr Shigeru Aoyagi, Director of the UNESCO Asia Pacific Region, and Ms Min Jeong Kim, Head of UNESCO Myanmar Office, at his office in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.
Tourists visit Myanmar by motorbikes
Under the supervision of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, foreign and domestic tourists have been visiting Myanmar through different modes of transport to enjoy well-known destinations, beautiful sceneries and a diverse range of cultures and traditions of local tribes in Myanmar.