Teashop fire consumes 20 stalls, two houses in Buthidaung Township

Buthidaung, 9 February

No casualties were reported in a teashop fire in Buthidaung Township, Rakhine State, the Ministry of Home Affairs said on Sunday.

The fire broke out at a teashop belonging to a man named Narsay Yar Mouk, 28, Kuntaung Village in Buthidaung Township at about 2 p.m. on 7 February. The fire which is believed to have started from ember in the kitchen torched around 20 nearby stalls, two houses and had ceased about 30 minutes later.

No one was injured in the fire and the teashop owner is being questioned over fire negligence by the local police.—MOHA
Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe