Temporary resettlement plans in progress for swift return of IDPs to their homes

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing pledged to strive for them to soonest reside in their natives in meeting with temporary internally displaced persons.


Chairman of the State Adminis­tration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and his wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla yesterday afternoon, met temporary IDPs at Thiri Mingala Mansu Shan Monastery in Lashio.


The Senior General urged those IDPs to make collaborative efforts for rehabilitation tasks on their arrival at their regions and pledged to pro­vide necessary aid to them as much as possible.

He also comforted those persons with the plans to forge peace and stabil­ity of the region as quickly as possible.


On his arrival at Thiri Mingala Mansu Shan Monastery in Lashio, the Senior General and wife donated a replica Buddha image of Maravijaya Buddha Image and alms to abbot of Mansu Shan Monastery Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Agga Maha Kammathanacariya Agga Maha Sad­dhamma Jotikadhaja Dr Bhaddanta Puññananda and presented K500 mil­lion, more than 6,000 pieces of clothes, rice and foodstuffs for temporary IDPs in Lashio.


At the headquarters of North-East Command, the Senior General and wife presented K500 million for officers, oth­er ranks and families serving security duties in the command area through the commander.


Due to terror acts of MNDAA, TNLA and AA groups and PDF ter­rorists starting from 27 October, Shan State (North) lost some villag­es, towns, roads and bridges. Local residents evaded from their regions and are taking shelter at monasteries, schools, religious buildings, offices and buildings in Lashio. So far, a total of 4,922 persons from 1,428 households are taking shelter there.


The government and the Tatmad­aw are providing necessary aid to them for convenience of basic needs of the temporarily IDPs and management measures. Moreover, arrangements are being made for taking regional security measures for those persons to reside in their regions peacefully.


The temporarily IDPs spoke words of thanks for provisions of aids and ex­pressed their experiences as follows:-


Now, we are taking shelter in eva­sion of war at Mansu monastery. We faced many difficulties. Our property and houses were damaged by unscru­pulous persons, but we are now in good conditions thanks to Mansu Sayadaw. We condemn a handful of unscrupulous persons who destroyed our property. We are pleased for Chairman of the State Administration Council who ar­rived here. We pray not to face current hardships in more lives.


We do never have such experienc­es. Thanks to assistance of the admin­istrative bodies and the State, we are taking shelter at Mansu monastery. We also pray not to face current plights in the future and not to emerge similar organizations. We left our houses and property as well as our businesses. Anyhow, we cannot support those sab­oteurs.


Now, we are homeless, taking shel­ter at the monastery of Mansu Pagoda. The Prime Minister fulfilled our needs. He pledged he will provide aid to all families for convenience. He also ful­filled requirements of all measures. We heartily thanked all officials for their donations and safeguarding measures.


Now, we are staying here with eva­sion of war. We thank the Head of State and officials much for their aid to us in Lashio. — MNA/TTA