Thailand-Myanmar friendship bridge-2 to help boost bilateral trade

11 Nov

WITH  the  Thailand-Myanmar  friendship  bridge-2  officially  opening on 30 October, bilateral border trade between Myanmar and Thailand is expected to rise, according  to  sources  from  the  Ministry of Commerce.

“A boost in bilateral trade is very important. The trade flow and logistics services are being increased  through  Mae  Sot,”  said  Mr.  Niyom  Wairatpanich,  vice-chairman  of  the  Thailand  Chamber of Commerce. 

In the previous fiscal year, bilateral  trade  between  Myanmar and Thailand reach US$4.99 billion.  The  top  five  export  products  through  the  Mae  Sot  checkpoint were energy drinks, motorcycles,  diesel  oil,  mobile  phones  with  components,  and  dried  betel  nuts,  while  the  top  five import products were corn, live  cows  and  buffaloes,  old  slabs, and transformers.

Border  trade  via  the  new  friendship bridge and Mae Sot is expected to top 100 billion baht in 2020.

With the opening of the new bridge,  exports  from  Thailand  are  likely  to  increase  by  more  than 30 per cent. Mae Sot handles  a  major  share  –  up  to  60  per  cent  —  of  the  total  border  trade  between  Thailand  and  Myanmar,  followed  by  Mae  Sai  and  Ranong-Kaw  Thaung  checkpoints,  said  Mr.  Kich  Aungvitulsalit, chairman of the Thailand-Myanmar  Business  Council.

In  a  related  development,  Thailand  Commerce  Minister  Mr.  Jurin  Laksanawisit  held  a  meeting  with  the  joint  public  and private sector consultative committee  on  Thailand-Myanmar border trade promotion at Mae  Sot  to  boost  border  trade  between  the  two  countries.—GNLM (Translated by Hay Mar)