Thiri Mingalar Kaba Aye Pagoda paved with natural clay on upper terrace

30 Dec


Renovation of the upper terrace at Thiri Minigalar Kaba Aye Pagoda was completed with paving of natural clay, and the inauguration ceremony was held yesterday morning.


Patron of Kan Oo Zetawun Pariyatti Monastery Bhadantta Nanda Sami Bhivamsa delivered the Five Precepts and members of Sangha recited Parittas.


Union Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture Thura U Aung Ko and the congregation donated offertories to the members of Sangha.


Patron of Shwe Thanlwin Company Dr Ni Ni donated nine plates of one-tical pure gold worth about K8,550,000 for the pagoda.


The Patron of Kan Oo Zetawun Pariyatti Monastery delivered a sermon to the Union Minister and the congregation, followed by sharing merits.


The Union Minister and officials cut a ceremonial ribbon to mark the inauguration of upper terrace at the pagoda and donated day meal (Swan) to the Sangha.—MNA (Translated by Aung Khin)