Three dead, 9 injured after mini-truck accident in Dimawhso

Dimawhso, 22 May

Three people were killed and nine others injured after a mini-truck overturned in Dimawhso Township, Kayah State, the Ministry of Home Affairs reported.

The fatal accident occurred when a mini-truck driven by a man from a local road construction company named Hlaing Min Thu aka Chit Kue, 33, with 11 people carrying 800 gallons of water overturned on a mountain slope near Dawphu Village in Dimawhso Township after falling back. Three people—two men and one woman—were pronounced dead on the spot and nine people were hurt in the incident.

Of the injured people, a teenage girl sustained severe injuries and was transferred to a nearby hospital. A file opened against the driver over reckless driving by the local people.—MOHA

Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe