Three Myanmar scouts leave for 24th World Scout Jamboree

22 July


THREE Myanmar youth are to attend  24th  World  Scout  Jam-boree in America. Mg Kun Lat Aung( GTC Mandalay), Ma Shin Thant Hling (Brainworks- TO-TAL International school Yan-gon)  and  Mg  Hein  Naing  Soe  (Myanmar Maritime Universi-ty) won the scholarship granted by  Asia  Pacific  Scout  Region.  They  left  for  America  from  Yangon  International  Airport  yesterday evening.


Scout Chief Commissioner Dr Tin Nyo, Chief Organizer U Aye  Kying,  scout  masters  and  the families saw them off.


Ma  Shin  Thant  Hling’s  family donated scout uniforms, Myanmar  Scout  souvenir  and  souvenir to exchange gift with international  scouts,  and  the  family of Kun Lat Aung, who are from Myitkyina, Kachin State, donated  money  to  Mg  Hein  Naing  Soe.  It  was  reported  that Ma Shin Thant Hling was chosen  as  Story  Programme  Speaker.  24th  World  Scout  Jamboree  will  be  held  from  July 22nd to August 3rd.—MNA (Translated by Alphonsus)