Tourists are visiting Myanmar through Tachileik Border Gate

1 March

The international tourists are continuously entering and visiting in and out of Myanmar through international gateways and cross- border gateways in order to observe Myanmar’s natural beauties of landscapes, sceneries, tourist’ attractions, various kinds of traditions and customs and social lifestyles.

Besides, there is now a culture-based tourism by which tourists can observe the traditions and cultures of ethnic people.

From 21 February to 27 February, there are 14,469 visitors including Thailand and the third country visitors who entered via Tachilek border gate as a day return trip. There are also 324 tourists who visited Maing Phat and Kyainge Tong and 491 tourists who visited on inbound tours.

Tourists who travelled as a day return trip visited Tarlot market, Bayintnaung Statue, Maha Myatmuni Pagoda, Wan Kaung market, Koe Myo Shin Nat Nam, Shwedagon Pagoda, national landmark garden, Chinese monastery and Kyauktan market which are famous places in Tachilek.

The tourists who conducted the overnight trips went to the famous pagodas such as Buddha Footprint Pagoda and Maha Myatmuni Pagoda at Mong Phyat town and Keng Tung town through Heho-Yangon-Mandalay-Myitkyinar-Lashio direct airline from Tachileik.

It is learnt that there were 177,675 tourists Thai citizens and mostly from Third Countries on day trips and overnight stay tour, 3,351tourists from third countries on day trips/ overnight, 2,513 tourists on Minepyat-Kengtung trip through Tachileik Border Gate as well as 7,501 tourists with visa who visited into Myanmar from 1 January to 27 February in 2020.—GNLM (Translated by Hay Mar)