Town offers support to typhoon-hit foreigners

18 Nov

A town in Gunma Prefecture, northwest of Tokyo, has set up a temporary counter to support non-Japanese residents affected by a powerful typhoon last month.



About 120 homes in the area were hit by flooding caused by Typhoon Hagibis. About 18 percent of the local population, or around 8,000 people, are foreigners.

On Sunday, many people visited the counter from early morning to apply for disaster victim certificates and to live rent-free in public housing.

A Peruvian woman in her 30s whose apartment was flooded says she is glad an official at the counter gave her detailed explanation of the assistance available.

A town official says the local government will try to support non-Japanese residents, as they are also struggling to rebuild their lives.

The counter will be open on Monday and Tuesday at a center for health and welfare from early afternoon until evening.