Truck plunges down 300 ft. ravine, killing one man

Matupi, 23 June


One person has died and three others were critically injured after a six-wheel truck fell into a valley on the Matupi-Paletwa Road in Matupi Township, Chin State on Saturday.


Upon receiving information about the accident, traffic police, policemen, and local authorities rushed to the scene of the accident to assess the situation. A six-wheeled truck driven by a man identified as U Thang Bawi with four pople aboard from Matupi Township plunged into a 300 ft. deep canyon at the milepost 3/0 on the Matupi-Paletwa Road after the driver lost control of the vehicle. A 25-year old man named Ko Tun from Kanhla Village, Magway Township was pronounced dead at the spot and three others were seriously injured in the incident.


The injured people are receiving medical treatment at a public hospital in Matupi. The truck driver has been charged with reckless driving by the local police.—Salai Aung (IPRD)
Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe