Trump, Kim to meet at Hanoi French Quarter hotel

The stage is set for the president of the United States and North Korea's leader to hold their second summit In Vietnam's capital. Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un are scheduled to meet one-on-one on Wednesday for the first of two-day talks.

On the agenda, trying to iron out the next steps in the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

Trump touched down late Tuesday night.

The White House says he'll meet with Kim at a hotel in Hanoi's French Quarter followed by a dinner. 

Kim's arrival was met with great fanfare after a 2-and-a-half day train journey. North Korea's state-run news agency says he was briefed by officials in Hanoi.

It's believed Kim will call on Trump to ease economic sanctions against Pyongyang.

Before their first summit in June, there was a lot of talk about what denuclearization would look like.

 The US had been pushing the North for complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization. But before leaving for Vietnam, Trump said he was in no rush to get there.

He's now expected to ask the North for more concrete steps, including an inventory of nuclear weapons and facilities.


