Trump shows frustration with North Korea's Kim

9 December

US President Donald Trump has warned North Korean leader Kim Jong Un that he will lose everything "if he acts in a hostile way."




Trump wrote on his Twitter account on Sunday that "Kim Jong Un is too smart and has far too much to lose...if he acts in a hostile way."

The president added that under Kim's leadership, North Korea "has tremendous economic potential, but it must denuclearize as promised."

North Korea announced on Sunday that it conducted a test "of great significance" on Saturday at its Sohae Satellite Launching Ground, that is also a long-range missile site.

The North has been urging the United States to make concessions by year-end to break the deadlock in denuclearization talks.

The North's announcement may be seen as an indication that it would resume test missile launches.

Defense Secretary Mark Esper spoke of the US military's readiness to deal with threats in an interview with Fox News on Sunday.

He noted that the US can immediately win a war with North Korea, but he said the US is always open to talks.