Tube well being dug in Wuntho Tsp.

Wuntho 9 May


With the aim of ensuring drinking water in all seasons, a tube well is being dug in Kangone village, Wuntho Township, Sagaing Region by the Township Department of Rural Development.


The digging was inspected by the officials from the Township Department of Rural Development. They then urged the responsible people to follow the instruction guided by the Ministry of Health and Sports and to meet the target date.


The Department is undertaking the digging well which is 400 ft deep and construction of a water plant and a water tanker capable of storing 2400 gallons of water. Upon completion, not only a total of 585 people from 112 households in the village but also students who are studying at Basic Education Middle School (Branch) will receive purified drinking water in all seasons.

Kyaw Myaing (IPRD)


Translated by Suyee