Turn challenges into opportunities

10 March

FOR nearly seventy years, peace, stability and development in Myanmar have fallen victim to conflict. Over successive generations, our people have seen their socio-economic situation and morale undermined, while our country’s future has been gradually corroded. Even today, Myanmar has not yet been able to escape from the trap of poverty and conflict.

We have experienced changes, triumphs, struggles, challenges and losses in our history. When we tried to tackle obstacles and faced changes, the people have had to accept both, a good and evil legacy. We have shared the fruits of success, bad consequences and battles, with the obstacles in the eras we passed through.

We are still facing many challenges. Meanwhile, we can see achievements in many areas, and the people should be proud of those achievements. There still remains more progress to come. We can take lessons from developed countries and learn how their efforts were to become their achievements.

As a late comer to the development scene, we can reap the advantages of astute late comers: learning from success stories, as well as mistakes, of those who went before us, offering fresh openings and new horizons “In life, many challenges have to be faced.

It depends on ourselves, whether we view these challenges as problems or opportunities. No matter how thick the darkness might be, if we overcome it with unity, the problem will become an opportunity,” said State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi at a meeting with residents in Monywa on 8 March.

Making the best use Making the best use of opportunities granted to us, each and every citizen can contribute to the country, to place it on the path of reaching our goal by using all opportunities.


Our people have been waiting for almost seventy years to witness the ray of hope for a better future and better life. The requirements of the people nationwide are the same, since we all are living on the same land and drinking the same water, and travelling on the same boat toward the same goal.


It is not the duty of the Government alone to solve problems and tackle challenges. Everyone has a duty to join in and contribute to the country and to leave a better legacy for the next generation. There is no room for selfishness. Development for one should contribute towards development for all. Everyone needs to help, so that the Young Generation can grow up strong and healthy.