Tutors, demonstrators, basic education teachers join refresher course at Kyaukpyu Education Degree College

November 10


THE refresher course for tutors and demonstrators and newcomers to Basic Education Department was convened at the Kyaukpyu Education Degree College of the Teachers Training Department under the Ministry of Education in Kyaukpyu Township of Rakhine State on 8 November.


The course covers rules and regulations for government employees, financial, educational subjects (educational theory and psychology) for tutors, and new curriculums of primary and middle schools and other education-related subjects for JATs and PATs.


A total of 259 trainees — six tutors, 26 JATs, 200 PATs from respective townships of Rakhine State, one JAT and 26 PATs from Paletwa township of Chin State joined the 26-day course that will end on 3 December. — Tin Tun Oo, Phyo Wai Linn/GNLM