Two children shot dead in Hsiseng Tsp

Hsiseng, 2 April


Two children were shot dead at about 11:30 pm on 31 March by a PNA paramilitary police at the monastery in Mehe village of Tabet village-tract, Hsiseng Township, Pa-O self-Administered Zone, according to local police station.


At about 11:30 pm on March 31 while Presiding Sayadaw U Narein Da of Mehe monastery was sitting after meditation, a drunken member of PNA  militia named U Pwa went up to him holding a rifle. The drunken man fired shots on the main door and three shots at the place where some 30 school boys and novices were asleep.


School boy Khun Kyaw San, 11, third grade, and Khun Kyaw Lay, 11, third grade, died of the gun shots. The two boys were from villages in the Township.


Hsiseng Myoma Police Station is taking action against U Pwa, 55, under section 302 of Penal Code, according to the police station.—Khun Ye Htwe


Translated by khine Thaw