Two Loikaw children develop mild case of H1N1

15 July


Two people have contracted the H1N1 seasonal flu in Loikaw, according to the state’s Medical Services and Health Department.


Speaking at the department meeting hall, Department Head Dr Htay Lwin explained of the discovery at Loikaw General Hospital. He said the seasonal influenza occurs in the rainy and winter seasons and there have been 244 people across Myanmar who have caught the virus as of 13 July 2019. He said 43 people with the virus have died with the highest death rate from Yangon Region at 35, followed by 3 in Ayeyawady Region, 2 each in Bago and Sagaing regions, and 1 in Northern Shan State.


The doctor said the two residents of Loikaw who have contracted the virus are both children, One of them is eight months old and lived in Pan Kan village-tract and the other is a twelve-year-old from Nanataw Ward’s Group No. 15.


He said the two children are now in stable condition but warned everyone to exercise caution as the seasonal virus can be fatal if left unchecked. He said it is important to practice preventive measures and seek immediate medical treatment when one contracts the virus.


Next, Head Physician Dr Sein Sein explained the preventive measures against the H1N1 virus and answered to questions from the media. —Loikaw Thar (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)