Two men arrested on suspicion of theft in Mindon Tsp

Mindon, 5 July


Two men were arrested on suspicion of theft in the town of Mindon in Magway region in the early hours of July 4.


According to information provided by Minywa Kaing village administrator, the policemen together with witnesses searched two strangers with a motorbike without a name plate near milepost 208/6 on Monywa-Pathein road. The two men were identified as Zay Yar Lin and Ye Htet Naing, the residents of Pyi town in Bago region. The authorities discovered an 11-inched knife from Zay yar Lin. After further interrogation, the information about another motorbike hidden in a bush was screwed out of them.


The two men failed to make the authorities believe that two motorbikes are owned by them. The authorities brought theft charges against the two, according to Mindon Myoma police station.—Chingalay ( Mindon)


Translated by Khine Thaw